
Global configuration

Open the file located at src/environments and change the value of the following variables:

  • serverUrl - Your PARSE_API_PUBLIC_URL + /api (e.g.:

  • appId - It must match with the PARSE_API_APP_ID set server-side.

  • appUrl - The URL for the public app. Important for SEO and social sharing.

  • appImageUrl - Used for social graph and sharing.

  • fbId - The Facebook App ID.

  • googleMapsApiKey - You could use the same key generated during the admin portal configuration or create a new one from here.

  • headerColor - Color for the status bar (Android only). Optional. Any hexadecimal value is valid.

  • defaultUnit - Default distance unit. Possible values: km, mi.

  • defaultLang -Default language Possible values: en, es, ar. If you want to add another language, create a new file in the src/assets/i18n folder. Then copy and paste the contents of the en.json file into the new file and edit the texts accordingly.

  • currency (Read more about currency formatting)

    • code - The ISO 4217 currency code, such as USD for the US dollar and EUR for the euro.
    • display - The format for the currency indicator. Legal values: code, symbol, symbol-narrow or a given string value instead of a code or a symbol.
    • digitsInfo - Decimal representation options.
  • googleClientId - Required for Google Sign In.

  • oneSignal (optional) - Replace oneSignal.appId with your OneSignal App ID, available on your OneSignal Dashboard, under Keys & IDs.

How to get the Google Client ID?

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console, select your project, and navigate to the tab Credentials.

  2. In the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs section, you should already have the row Web client (auto created by Google Service). Here, just copy the Client ID (last column). We’ll need it later.

  3. Now we need to add the Authorized JavaScript origins. Click on the same row. In the following page, add two origins: the URL where the Ionic CLI serves the app (http://localhost:8100), and the domain where the app will be hosted.

Setup Capacitor

In file capacitor.config.ts:

// Replace the appId, appName and the Google Client ID.
  appName: 'YOUR_APP_NAME',
  GoogleAuth: {
    iosClientId: '',
    androidClientId: '',
    serverClientId: "",

If you have issues with Google Login on Android, set androidClientId with the same value of serverClientId.

Setup Android

In android/app/build.gradle:

defaultConfig {
  applicationId "YOUR.UNIQUE.PACKAGE.ID"

In file /android/app/src/res/values/strings.xml:

  <string name="app_name">YOUR_APP_NAME</string>
  <string name="title_activity_main">YOUR_APP_NAME</string>
  <string name="package_name">YOUR_UNIQUE_PACKAGE_ID</string>
  <string name="custom_url_scheme">YOUR_UNIQUE_PACKAGE_ID</string>
  <string name="facebook_app_id">YOUR_FB_ID</string>
  <string name="facebook_client_token">YOUR_FB_CLIENT_TOKEN</string>

The facebook_client_token can be found in the Facebook App Dashboard. Select your app, and navigate to Settings > Advanced > Security > Client Token.

More information about setting up Facebook Login on Android:

More information about configuring Android

Setup iOS

In file ios/App/App/info.plist replace the following:


<!-- Set fbXXXXXXXXX as a URL Scheme -->


<!-- Reversed Google Client ID -->





More information about setting up Facebook Login on iOS:

More information about configuring iOS

Web Configuration

In file src/manifest.json:

  "name": "YOUR_APP_NAME",
  "short_name": "YOUR_APP_NAME",
  "theme_color": "COLOR_HEX_VALUE",
  "background_color": "COLOR_HEX_VALUE",

Update the name, short_name, theme_color and background_color.

Remember to update the icons located in src/assets/icons. You could use this tool to generate all the required sizes.

Setup Push Notifications

Generate the configuration files for each platform:

Update colors

Open the src/theme/variables.scss file and update the CSS variables. Read more about theming Ionic apps here.

  --ion-color-primary: #D4145A;
  --ion-color-primary-rgb: 56, 128, 255;
  --ion-color-primary-contrast: #ffffff;
  --ion-color-primary-contrast-rgb: 255, 255, 255;
  --ion-color-primary-shade: #bb124f;
  --ion-color-primary-tint: #d82c6b;

Update Icon and SplashScreen

Creating Splash Screens and Icons

We noted that the guide above works great except for the Android Adaptive icons. We recommend to generate the android icons using the tool provided by Android Studio.

Create app icons with Image Asset Studio